Refund Policy

Please read below.

  • What if I need to cancel my class before the course has started?

    You can cancel and receive a full refund within 24 hours of purchase, until the class has started.

  • What if the course has started but I wish to withdraw?

    If you wish to withdraw during the first week (after the first or second session has taken place), upon request, you will receive a 75% refund.

  • What if I wish to withdraw AFTER the first week?

    A refund will not be entitled but special circumstances are at the teacher's discretion.

  • What if the teacher cancels the ongoing class ahead of time and a replacement teacher has not been appointed?

    You will receive a full refund.

  • What if a teacher misses one of the sessions and no make up is provided?

    You will receive a refund for that class.

  • What if the teacher cancels a class that is in progress? For example, only taught 8 of the 10 classes scheduled?

    You will receive a prorated refund upon request.

  • What if I miss a class?

    You will not be entitled to a refund.

  • What if I miss more than 3 consecutive classes without informing my teacher?

    At the teacher's discretion, you will be removed from the class and will not be entitled to a refund.

  • What if a problem arises with the class?

    It is important to the MySchoolBC Team that parents and students have a positive learning experience. If a problem arises, please discuss it privately with your teacher. If the problem still persists, please contact admin at [email protected] and we will try to come up with a solution with you.